Hello, everyone.
My dear Matthias was correct. We are foodies. Though the term is most often used pejoratively, and since our pockets are riddled with holes and seldom filled with anything other than pennies, pens, or hands, I also hesitate to use the term for its implications of privilege. But the plain and simple truth is that we love food - taste, texture, appearance, and the solace and community of preparing and eating it.

Though these pleasures hardly qualify us for special status in the food blogosphere, you should remember that there will often be two versions of recipes, simple instructions for omissions, or ideas on how you can sit diagonally at a table that simultaneously bears flesh and well, not-flesh and still have a cohesive meal and a blissful relationship (with food, and each other). We try to consume conscientiously and responsibly (that means eating as organically, locally, and fairly traded as possible. Please assume that all recipes include at least one of these words before each ingredient, but we will try to be specific at least for a while).

There are many writers and cooks who inspire us, please see the previous post for initial recommendations (more to come soon! and to be updated regularly). We hope that you will bear with us as we get up and running with photography, layout, links, and other general administrative tasks. What we can promise are lovely recipes, witty exchanges, sometimes music, book, movie, personal and philosophical reflections, and above all...thoughtful, descriptive writing (for, you see, Matthias is a real writer, and I am one of a different sort, just doing my best and taking most of the photos).

Welcome to our little site. We look forward to meeting you!



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